Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creativity through LEGOs and Minecraft?

Everything is awesome!

Growing up as a kid all I pretty much played with was LEGOs. After watching the Star Wars Movies I just really wanted to reanact everything all the sets of LEGOs I had for Star Wars. As I got older I let LEGO's be my canvis to my creativity. It was fun to make my own things and claim it as my own creation. 

Once I found about a game called Minecraft my creative process just like blew up as a middle schooler. That's when I got into making angles, with angle made houses. Learning how to make houses in Minecraft and make it look good on the outside..is when I started to research and make things from real life interior design and implement it into minecraft. 

I was really into making things modern and very realistic, I was featured on many building teams and server. Also featured on some music videos along with the teams. Overall it just brought out my creativity and fun out of making things.

That's how some of my creativity started...how did yours are how are you inspired? I want to know! Go to my ask.fm and tell me! ask.fm/theonlylj or e-mail me a response.