Tuesday, October 27, 2015

She got her middle name from what?

The story of how some random girl I passed by got her middle name.

So it was pretty early in the morning and I just got to school and began walking to my class. While I was walking near a group of girls I over heard them talking. One of them were talking about how they'd gotten their middle name. She began getting into it and said

 "My middle name is Reno because that's where my parents made me." I was trying hard not to like laugh or say anything once I heard that.

Just imagine getting a middle name from where your parents made you...it could end up being really funny yet really disturbing. I don't even want to ask my parents because I don't want to know. My middle name is Anthony because all of my siblings and I all have our name starting with a 'J' and all of our middle names with an 'A'. So, my name is John Anthony Larot my brothers are Justin Adrian Larot and Jordan Alexander Larot. JAL is our initials.