Tuesday, September 26, 2017


I don't know if it's only me that feels this way, but I feel like I was born in the wrong generation. I envy my parents generation where kids my age would kick it everyday and there was no thing like social media. It was much more simpler time where you'd kick it with your homies but at the same time it wasn't because you didn't really have phones and social media to get a hold of each other.

A photo of my Dad and uncles at a family Christmas Party.

I want something where people can be about something and represent something to the fullest. Nothing too crazy like gangs but something in that aura where you'd rep hard and take pride in something with your friends. I mean yeah I guess something like a gang and crew. I just don't see that anymore today not even close compared to the stories I've heard from my parents, uncles and even aunts. 

A photo of my Mom and aunts.

A photo of my Dad, Uncles and Aunts.

I do believe the gang stuff, drugs and whatever else that might have went down that would've been crazy is bad for our generation of course. I want to bring back the aura of that generation though when people would be about something and just simply kick it for the hell of it because they didn't have anything else to do. That's when everyone knew everyone from being out and about. Know it's all about social media and who has the most followers. I don't like that. Half of the time people who have numbers on Instagram don't even have a talent or represent something, it's because of their looks if they're cute or handsome. 

I aspire to bring that back. Where people are about something, rep it and pre it hard. To have pride in something. Rock with your homies and meet hella knew people. I envy it till this day because kids are like that anymore. It always deal with something online or nothing closely relevant to them. It sucks, but I'll change it.