Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trust within a relationship.

So one of my friends has been complaining to me about her relationship. I'm not really close to her or really know her that well. She has been telling me that her boyfriend doesn't trust her when she tried to go out with one of her guy friends. That he doesn't like when she tries to hang out with other people, so they've been arguing here and there about it. Here's some words from me...


When it come to relationships you can argue a lot. Does it really ever solve anything? In my own personal opinion I think it's a waste of breathe and time. The amount of energy put into fighting should be redirected into something more recreational. I hate fighting, I really do. The best thing that comes out of arguing is finally getting the topic out of the way. I just believe that talking in a calm matter would be much easier. 


Trust is something that doesn't need to be worried about. If your significant other says something you'd hold it to their word. If you don't have trust in your relationship why even be together at all? Might as well just be friends with benefits and have no strings attached. Trust is one of the building blocks within a relationship. You just have to put that trust in them and if they break it there's no really making it up. In the back of their head they'll always think about what can happen or the worst scenario. So just don't cheat nor lie about things.